5 Signs You're About to Make It Big in Your Career

The dictionary says that a breakthrough is "a sudden, dramatic, and important discovery or event."

There will probably be a promotion, project, or chance at work that you will look back on and realize was the most important moment in your career, like when a new scientific barrier is broken. It could be a big conversation, a pay raise, a new project, or taking on more responsibility.

If you're not sure if you've had your career breakthrough yet, it's likely that you haven't. You would know if you made a big step forward because it would be a big deal.

Here are some warning signs that show how close it is getting.

You're curious about the work your boss does.

Do you often ask your boss about their day-to-day tasks or want to know everything about their job? Do you admire their work ethic and think they have good communication and management skills? This is more of an indication that you are interested in a higher position than that you want their job. Your manager will also notice that you are eager because you are interested.

Your effort is harder than ever

You're working more hours, staying up later, and starting assignments before everyone else. You are the first one at work every morning, and your coworkers can always talk to you. If you are very motivated to do well at work and take on any challenges that come your way, your boss may have given you more responsibilities or come to you first for advice and ideas. This is important because it means you're getting closer to something important.

When you realize that you don't mind hard work, you'll be ready to move up in your job. You're willing to put in the work now if it will lead to great results in the end.

When you're at work, you get bored

Being bored isn't always a bad thing. In reality, it could just mean that you don't think you're being used to your full potential or that you don't have enough to do. It's time to take on a hard project because it could be the shining moment that gets you a promotion. Your boss could also be noticing that the work is too easy for you and that you should be given more responsibility.

If you feel limited, stuck, or just bored at work, keep in mind that this could be the start of an exciting new career path. Figuratively hitting a brick wall may not be fun at the time, but it will give you a sense of urgency and make you more creative, which will help you finally plan and act on your next big move.

The boss is giving you high marks.

If your boss often talks about you, your work, or your ideas in a meeting, you can be sure that a promotion or pay raise is on the way. If your manager is on your side, it means they are probably praising you to higher-ups because they are considering you for a certain position or project that will become available.

Also, if you feel like everyone at work is talking about you, it's more likely a good sign than a bad one. If it was bad, you'd know about it. Try to look on the bright side: if people are talking about your work, it means you are standing out.

You have put money into yourself.

Work-life balance is hard to achieve at any time. But if you feel like you're getting close to a stable balance, it could mean that you're about to take a big step forward. Even though you've been working hard, you've made time to invest in yourself by taking more classes, starting a side business, or just taking the time you need to rest. If you know that, it means you are either living your life with a purpose or making progress toward your highest goal.

No matter how close you are to a career breakthrough, the best way to start is to learn more about yourself. Find out what your natural talent is and what you want to do with your life. After you see how your strengths and the engagement they lead to show up at work, you can make strategic decisions that are more in line with who you are and what you do.

Check out our blogs if you need help reinventing yourself to get ahead in your career.


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